Amselina Virgo

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Bestimmungshilfe / Schmetterlingsfamilien / Autostichidae
EU 03002 Amselina virgo (GOZMÁNY, 1959)


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1-2: Griechenland, Kreta, Daten siehe Etikett (fot.: Michel Kettner), coll. ZSM, "Klimesch-Sammlung"

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GOZMÁNY (1959: 46): “Holotype male: Insula Creta, Assites, 500 m, 30 July, 1957, leg. REISSER (gen. prep.: 1015); paratype male: Insula Creta, Knossos, 100 m, 29 July 1957, leg. REISSER (gen. prep.: 1016). The paratype is less well marked, pattern more indistinct, whiter; in its genital organ the costal appendage is much shorter. Types in the Collection of the Hungarian Natural History Museum.”


Bestimmungshilfe / Schmetterlingsfamilien / Autostichidae
EU 03002 Amselina virgo (GOZMÁNY, 1959) diagnosebild-eu

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Last edited April 28, 2021 22:54 by Jürgen Rodeland