Noch unbekannt!
NEL & VARENNE (2016: 40): « « melaniana » pour rappeler l'habitus brun sombre de l'espèce. Toutefois, il est possible que les ailes postérieures du mâle soient plus claires comme chez d'autres Tortricidae. »
HUEMER & VAN NIEUKERKEN (2021: 316) stellen fest, dass die Art beim Barcoding völlig identisch mit Dichrorampha tarmanni ist. Trotzdem sehen sie von einer Synonymisierung ab und begründen: "Dichrorampha melaniana was decribed from three female specimens from the French Alps and compared with D. alpigenana Heinemann, 1863. [...] The authors had not been aware of another related species, namely D. tarmanni Huemer, 2009, which occurs in nearby Italy. Both species are close in genitalia with only subtle differences in the female but seemingly better separated in the male. The successfully sequenced holotype of D. melaniana fully corresponds to D. tarmanni as well as to several other species of Dichrorampha. It appears that barcode sharing is widespread in this group of closely related species. Though the validity of D. melaniana seems well supported from available figures it will be necessary to study the intraspecific variation and to re-assess the species group of D. plumbana (Scopoli, 1763)."
(Autor: Erwin Rennwald)
NEL & VARENNE (2016: 38): « HOLOTYPE femelle : Alpes-Maritimes, Roubion, Vignols, 1650 m, 11 juin 2015, Th. Varenne leg., prép. gen. JN n° 29316, Coll. Th. Varenne (Nice). » Paratypen: 2 ♀♀, von zwei weiteren Fundorten in den Alpes-Maritimes.