1-2: Spanien, Daten siehe Etikett (fot.: Michel Kettner), coll. ZSM, "Klimesch-Sammlung"
GOZMÁNY (1985: 247): “Holotype male: « S. Nevada, Pt. del Lobo 2190 m 19.VII.1930 coll. H. Reisser. Wien » « Symmoca undecimpunctella » « R » « Holotypus Donaspastus digitatus sp. n. gen. prep. No. 5295 Dr. L. Gozmány ». Paratypen: 7 males and 19 females: hispania, Sierra Nevada, Andalusia Strada Veleta, 1900-2000 m, lux, leg. Baldizzone et Triberti, 23 VII 1983 (16 exemplars), 24 VII (8 ex.), 25 VII (3 ex.), and 26 VII (1 specimen), preserved in the G. Baldizzone Collection, Asti, Italy, and in the Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest; paratypes: 5 males und 1 female: Hispania, Andalucia, Sierra Nevada, Cam. d. Valeta (sic!), 19.-20. VIII, 1984, leg. E. Traugott-Olsen, preserved in the latter Collection and in Budapest.”