Scythris Gladiella

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Bestimmungshilfe / Schmetterlingsfamilien / Scythrididae (Ziermotten)
EU 02210r Scythris gladiella K. NUPPONEN & T. NUPPONEN, 2004


Nahrung der Raupe

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Etymologie (Namenserklärung)

NUPPONEN & NUPPONEN (2004: 34): “Lat. gladius = sword. The species name alludes to a long, thin apical process of the right valva.”


NUPPONEN & NUPPONEN (2004: 33): “Holotype, ♂ (Fig. 1): “Spain, prov. Almeria, Sierra Nevada, 1900 m, Puerto de la Ragua 1 km S, 30-VI-2003, T. Nupponen leg.”. In coll. T. & K. Nupponen, Espoo, Finland.
Paratypes: 1 ♂, same data as holotype, except 01-VII-2003. Genitalia slide: K. Nupponen prep. no. 3/08-IX-2003. In coll. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid, Spain. 2 ♀♀ (Fig. 2), “Spain, prov. Granada, Sierra Nevada, 2700-2900 m, Granada 20 km SE, 28-VII-2003, T. Nupponen leg.”. Genitalia slide: K. Nupponen prep. no. 4/08-IX-2003. In coll. T. & K. Nupponen, Espoo, Finland.”


Bestimmungshilfe / Schmetterlingsfamilien / Scythrididae (Ziermotten)
EU 02210r Scythris gladiella K. NUPPONEN & T. NUPPONEN, 2004 zählstring

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Last edited März 22, 2019 15:54 by Michel Kettner