Scythris Parafuscoaenea

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Bestimmungshilfe / Schmetterlingsfamilien / Scythrididae (Ziermotten)
EU 02099 Scythris parafuscoaenea BENGTSSON, 1991


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BENGTSSON (2005: 216) meldet: "1 ♂, Portugal, Montesinho, 2.5 km S Moimenta, 1,017 m a.s.l., 31.III.2001, Nieukerken leg. In coll. Nieukerken/ RMNH. New to Portugal. Distribution. France, Morocco, Portugal and Spain."


BENGTSSON (1990: 406): “Holotype ♂, SPAIN: Cantabria, Picos de Europa, Camaleño, 520 m, 25.VII.1986, S. Richter & E.J.van Nieukerken; genitalia slide mounted (BÅB no. 237X). In Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden. Paratype: 1 ♂, FRANCE: St. Lons, VI.[19]00; genitalia slide mounted (Jä no. 8705); in coll. Chrétien, Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris.”


Bestimmungshilfe / Schmetterlingsfamilien / Scythrididae (Ziermotten)
EU 02099 Scythris parafuscoaenea BENGTSSON, 1991 zählstring

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Last edited Januar 24, 2021 21:33 by Erwin Rennwald