Stigmella Irregularis

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Bestimmungshilfe / Schmetterlingsfamilien / Nepticulidae (Zwergminiermotten)
EU 00091 Stigmella irregularis PUPLESIS, 1994


Nahrung der Raupe

LAŠTŮVKA & LAŠTŮVKA (2009) schreiben: "The larvae have been found in the leaves of Pyrus amygdaliformis Vill. in Croatia, and adults have been usually collected near Pyrus elaeagrifolia Pallas in Greece, other Pyrus species are also possible host plants. The indistinctly yellow larva forms a nar­row, later slightly dilating mine, with dropping accu­mulation in its first half (fig. 5). All other nepticulid species mining on Pyrus spp. show green larvae, or greenish white in Ectoedemia atricollis (Stainton, 1857) respectively."

Weitere Informationen


fassen den aktuellen Kenntnisstand zusammen: "The distribution of Stigmella irregularis remains in­sufficiently known. The species has been recorded in Crimea (type locality), the Greek mainland, Crete (van Nieukerken, pers. comm.), Rhodos, Croatia, and Sicily (Laštůvka & Laštůvka 2005). Here recorded for the first time from Croatia, and the first exact faunis­tic data are supplied for Greece."


PUPLESIS (1994: 61): “Type-material. Holotype: ♂, the Crimea, 20 km W Feodosiya (Karadag Reserve),, leg. Budashkin. Paratypes: 1 ♂, the same locality, 24.viii.1986, leg. Budashkin; 2 ♂, the same locality,, leg. Budashkin; 2 ♂, the same locality, 2-22.vii.1987, leg. R. Puplesis; 3 ♂, the same locality, 10.vii.1977, leg. S. Reznik; 1 ♂, the same locality, 27.vii.1977, leg. M. Falkovitsh.”


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Bestimmungshilfe / Schmetterlingsfamilien / Nepticulidae (Zwergminiermotten)
EU 00091 Stigmella irregularis PUPLESIS, 1994 zählstring

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Last edited Januar 26, 2021 20:30 by Erwin Rennwald